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  • Writer's pictureBrian "B-Rob" Robinson

3 Tips for A Better Lifestyle: Part 2

Welcome to this Part 2 of a multi-part series focused on tips you may consider implementing to have a better life. If you have not seen Part 1 of this series yet, I am encouraging you to do so as I feel those 3 tips will help you as well.

Just like all the other blogs that I write, I practice what I preach. So, these tips I share are the very things that I do myself. This is important because I am speaking from my experience and if you can relate and need more information on exact details as to how I implement these tips, I can be booked to coach you through the process as it fits your life. Now this is not a shameless plug for my services, but my intent is to let you know that if you have questions as to how to implement, I’m not just someone who picked some tips out of the sky just to get a blog written. My purpose on this earth is to help others live a positive, purposeful life so they can be strong pillars in their homes and communities. Now on to the tips.

1. Focus on Setting Relationship Goals! — As you know from Part 1 of this series, I am a proponent for setting goals. Although I was talking about overall goals there, here I am diving down and recommending that you set relationship goals. I am a huge proponent of community, too. Studies show that people who are successful in personal relationships set relationship goals. You can even start by taking a look one year ahead and decide where you want to be. This will help you steer the relationship in a positive direction.

2. Be a Proponent of Conflict Resolution — If your personal life is riddled with conflicts, then you may need to take some time, step back, and ask yourself what is going wrong. Conflict is necessary at times but when your life is full of conflict, there may be a bigger issue. Having a lot of conflict will distract you from achieving your goals and consume your focus. It becomes a prison. Consider whether you could simply be the bigger person and reconcile these conflicts rather than perpetuating them.

3. Make New Friends, Expand Your Horizons — One of my many favorite quotes is by Charlie Tremendous Jones. He stated “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Making new friends can introduce you to thoughts that might never have occurred to you before. Successful people understand that having a mix of different types of friends can broaden your horizons and improve the quality of your life. It also reduces the fear that comes along with not being familiar with people who are not like you.

I challenge you to consider these three tips and how you will implement these into your life today. In the next part of this series I will continue with 3 more tips that me and other successful people use to create a better lifestyle. Also, if you need help implementing the details of these tips, please don’t hesitate to contact Coach Sandy or me and we will be happy to set up a time to talk with you.

Brian "B-Rob" Robinson is a Certified Life Strategies Coach, Certified Sports Nutrition Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Youtuber, and co-founder of LEANWellonline. His website is and his YouTube channel is thisisb-rob.

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